Is it possible that job loss means opportunity?

career Dec 23, 2020

I have only “lost” one job.  It was a position that I was so identified with that I had allowed other areas of my life to be second, third….. you get the picture!  I was so fortunate that I knew several months in advance my position (with many others) would be redundant due to a sale. There are so many factors beyond our control when we lose a job – corporate restructure, sale and oh yes – a pandemic.  We can’t control any of this – only our mindset after the fact.

Even before my final day I was determined to make the job “loss” my win.  Is it possible to look at this as an opportunity?  An opportunity to evaluate what is important to you – culture, purpose, aligned values.  There is also potential to “create” your own role.   You can do something you have always wanted to do and serve a new community.  Certainly we need to do to satisfy our financial obligations, but it will come together.   Initially, take time to process, but the quicker you can get up, set a daily practice of healthy patterns, connect with people each day, your new path will become clear!

- Kim